Your African Mask Project
Making masks is not as hard as you might think. There are some really simple ways to do it. You can simply cut cardboard in the shape you want and cut eyes out as your base, decorate as you wish, and add a stick to the bottom. Paper plates are another good one to try! Or you can get clever, and make paper mâché masks that fit to your face. There are some ideas below – click the 2nd and 4th picture to take you to instructions and printables!
Today, you can take everything you have learned about African patterns, Tingatinga art, creating African animals in different ways and pull it all together to make an African Animal Mask!
Let’s recap:
- Silhouette Sunsets – was there a material that you enjoyed working with in this activity? If so try using it again..
- Edward Saidi Tingatinga – started off making art with things he found around him, like broken ceramics and bike paint – what can you use from around the house to help make your mask? Bottle caps, bits of string, newspaper, what else?
- Tingatinga Art – What else did you learn from Tingatinga art? Bright, bold colours, and repetitive patterns, with animals the central subjects…
- Drawing Patterns – which patterns did you enjoy making? Use these in your mask, and see what different shapes you can make with them…
- Populate a Map – If you did this activity you might have been interested in one animal in particular? Maybe you researched it, when finding out which part of Africa it comes from. Use your knowledge to help create your mask!
- Splatter Painting – I’m sure that you enjoyed doing this? If you didn’t maybe use the masks as a way to try it? If you did enjoy it – how can you incorporate into your mask making?
- Something Else – if you have another idea, then go for it! I can’t wait to see you what you all come up with!
Here are some more pictures to inspire you!
A Bonus Project
So, it occurred to me whilst writing this post, that you might all be fed up with masks, given the current climate, so I thought I would add an extra project idea for those of you who want to stay well away from masks!! It comes from Super Make It., and it is how to make cardboard animals! It is not strictly all African animals, but you can pick and choose, and make different ones!!
I am so excited to see what you make – feel free to share anytime! Have lots of fun, and when you are ready, head over to our closing post of the day, where we will do a little journalling to wind down and reflect.