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Amazing Oceans – 9 Ways You Can Make Sea Sculptures –

Amazing Oceans – 9 Ways You Can Make Sea Sculptures

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Sea Sculptures and 3D Art

After a week of mostly painting and drawing we are now moving from 2D to 3D and today we are making sea sculptures! 

As usual I have a range of ideas for you to try, but you have the creativity and choice to make whatever you want! Perhaps you enjoyed the clay and play dough from this morning and would like to continue with that. Or, maybe there was a sea creature craft from Monday that you would like to try? Perhaps you have your own idea from one of the artists we looked at this morning? 

Coral Reef Diorama

We made this Ocean Diorama to round off our Ocean topic during our last term of home education.

The kids painted the inside of a cardboard box with sponges. Then we printed off some free colouring sheets of the sea creatures they wanted to include. They coloured them in and we began to stick them to the box using strips of thick cardboard to give them strength. 

Next, we added a couple of real rocks and shells to give texture and build the 3D feel. We agreed that the scene was still feeling a little empty, and didn’t convey the busy bustling colourful life of the coral reef. So we set about looking for more textural and 3D elements to include. 

We added pom poms and pipe cleaners, and then made anemones and seaweed from scrunched up tissue paper! This was really effective, so we made a few! 

The children wanted to include some awesome metallic blue paper that we had in our craft store, and the chose to dangle it down like ribbons of water and light from the surface. 

Lastly, was Jake’s wonderful idea to have a dolphin jump out of the “water” – I think it tops it off perfectly! 

Sea Glass Sculptures

Sea glass is beautiful and comes in such a pretty range of greens and blues. These are just two ideas to create art with this lovely material. This might not be something you can do right now, unless you have been lucky enough to collect sea glass for a while, but maybe you could print them off and put them in your journal to keep as inspiration for when you do have enough. Of course you could do something similar with pebbles or shells too. 

Octopus Mobile

Isn’t this Octopus Mobile wonderful? You can find all the instructions here

Clay Turtles with Patterns


I can’t find the credit for this idea, but it is absolutely lovely, and you could use the idea of many different sea creatures! Grab some clay, and some objects to make the pattens with and have a go! 

Paper Plate Whales

This is a clever craft from Krokotak – Younger children might struggle with this on their own, so it makes for a great collaborative craft for the family to try together! 

Recycled Plastic Toy Seahorse

Credit unknown

Do you ever notice no matter how organised your toys are that you always end up with a little pile or box with random plastic toys in? Probably from incomplete play-sets, or cracker toys? Well now, is your chance to use them for good, and make a beautiful sea creature sculpture! Unfortunately, I can’t find the credit for the inspiration here, but I love the rainbow effect. Try sorting your toys first and seeing what colours you have – it might help you decide what creature to make, or how to make the sculpture – the rainbow idea is good, but you could also try stripes, or just one colour? 

Baking Soda Sculptures

This craft idea is from MyPinterventures, and is just lovely! Click the post for all the details and the recipe! Of course, you don’t just have to make starfish, you could make anything at all! Have fun. 

Painted Sea Shells

Ok, I know I said we have done enough painting tis week, but, these are far too lovely not to share! And it’s simple enough – paint a seashell with pretty patterns! Don’t they look great? Jake, now 10 years old,  still has a scallop shell he decorated when he was 3! Its a great way to combine nature and art! 

Cardboard Sea Sculpture

Well, WOW! is all I have to say about this from Elementary Fun. Its absolutely brilliant! I love the mix of painted cardboard, shells, buttons and sequins – it’s a joyful celebration of art, craft and the sea! Click the post to see how they made it! 

Something Else

I am sure there are lots of other wonderful ideas out there – perhaps you have a few of your own. Whatever you create, have lots of fun, and please share it with me

A Little Light Reading

Today, your reading is being read to you! Twinkle Twinkle Squiglet Pig is a lovely story about finding friendship and happiness! Enjoy! 

Journal Prompts

ocean doodle

Gosh, we have had such a busy week, you might have lots to reflect on, ideas to jot in your journal, or things you want to do in future, if you haven’t quite had the time to do it this week!

Did you make it to the beach this week? If so, write about your trip, if not, can you plan one? Where will you go, what need to take with you? What will you do when you get there?

Can you make a Wishlist of all the beaches you’d love to visit? It doesn’t matter how crazy it is write it down, you never know in 20 years you might just make it to all of them! 

Im going to leave it at that today. Of course, doodle, draw, write, stick, or anything else in your journal! 

Tomorrow is our second catch up day of the week, so Ill send a short email, and then, on Sunday, if you’re very lucky, we might see some more mermaids and Selkies, but shhh you have to be quiet… 🙂 


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Katherine is a mixed media artist, art teacher, writer, designer, photographer – and mum of 2 – who works and lives in North Devon, nestled in the woods on a little smallholding. She has a BA in Performance Studies, an MA in Fine Art, and an MFA in photography, alongside a background in early years childhood and special education. Katherine uses her artistic talents, passion for helping people, and unique creativity to create articles, courses and classes that promote creativity, artistic skills, self expression and well-being. She believes in the power of the creative arts and how engaging with them can improve so many aspects of life.
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